Like many cities in California, the City of Sierra Madre has experienced a drought for a number of years. In 2013 the City Council declared a Stage Two Water Emergency, requiring all water customers to reduce consumption by 20% and in July of 2014, conservation measures were increased to 30%. To abide by the new conservation measures, the City adopted a plan that would reduce water waste by putting a stop to the irrigation of grass lawns surrounding City Hall and, with the assistance of the Sierra Madre Garden Club, introduce drought-resistant plants to the landscape.
This joint community project between the City of Sierra Madre and the Sierra Madre Garden Club was created with the following goals in mind:
- Reducing the City’s water consumption;
- Encouraging water conservation;
- Educating Sierra Madre citizens on the economic and ecological benefits of native plant gardens through: workshops corresponding with the planting progress at City Hall, ongoing transformation tutorials, and showcasing grass removal and the installation of alternative landscaping;
- Demonstrating the beauty of drought-tolerant, native plants;
- Improving landscaping in front of City Hall; and
- Encouraging community pride and civic engagement through community planting days.
Community Planting Day

Over 75 volunteers from around the community gathered at City Hall on November 7, 2015 to help add new life to the landscapes surrounding the City’s public buildings. Planting day volunteers included a rich mix of young children, adults and seniors all eager to lend their talents to the project. Working together, they installed nearly 300 plants in just two and half hours. Photos from Community Planting Day are currently available on the City’s Facebook page.
The project was made possible through generous grants and donations from the community. Unable to contribute financial resources to the landscape project, the City of Sierra Madre owes a special debt of gratitude to those organizations and individuals who stepped in to bring this project to life. Including, but not limited to: